DE 1750 List for ToS, SomeThoughts.

DE 1750 List for ToS, SomeThoughts.

Ok so Lets throw out some filla and have a wee chat about my list for ToS. Firstly a disclaimer, this list was never written to be a turbo min maxed  competitive WAAC-off  spam fest, a can do that a win with it but I am making the conscious decision NOT to do that and...
Kicking Ass & Taking Souls

Kicking Ass & Taking Souls

Hello Folks Apologies for my continued Radar silence, I have been busy (sorta) No real updates in terms of painting as I have been just concentrating on getting everything 4 flat base colours, this takes a remarkable amount of time apparently (and I have had some...
Dark Eldar FaQ 1.0 Musings

Dark Eldar FaQ 1.0 Musings

Well Funt me ! That was fast for GW, a solid round of baby kissing from the intergalactic plastic crack peddlars today, good show chaps !lets have a quick look at the more important stuff maybe see if there is anything to be exploited. There is a fair bit of...
Going Forward

Going Forward

Hello all and welcome to 2011. Hope you all enjoyed crimbo and have had a great start to the year. I have been off of the Webz due to christmas, family and New Vegas etc, mostly New Vegas….. I’m baaack and scheming schemes and plotting plots. Coming up...
Something Something something Dark Eldar ….

Something Something something Dark Eldar ….

Ok Just going to throw this up here before starting work on this weeks retro.Made it into town today and was allowed to sit for some hours and comb through the New DE book.The Fail :Defo giving the golden turd award to mandrakes they are made of lame and aids.At first...