And that breeze was the FW Newsletter. My friend Craig sent me a text message saying “so how many Reapers are you going to buy” Clearly he had gone mad, I already have two squads of reapers and no self respecting Eldar player would go and spend actual...
Yup , First squad is done, good stuff and the scheme is nailed down for the rest of the army now. Incidentally my trueborn have been complete and total suckfail for several weeks now, I either cant hit/wound/penetrate/roll above to 2 on the chart at all, both squads...
You know what the final straw for me was ? trying to flog ‘fine-cast’ for more than metal, I have to pay more to loose that satisfying weight for a product that costs you far far less than before to make and now has a stable material cost , lookk up ^ read...
Hi all , the new DE release wave has got the old writing juices going once again, very excited about destroying the cattle races with airstrikes. As I have now covered the troops section we are into fast attack. Hellions , sci fi anime punks on bladed jet propelled...
Go on, give your eyes a blowjob…. Twice Well, at first glance I was not sure if I was too keen on the Venom, though now I just think it’s suffered from GW’s unflattering photography of late, I think the model will be very nice in your hands....