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Hobby Crisis !!!

Hobby Crisis !!!

Ok , the DE have landed and any semblance of dignity has been flung into the nearest woodchipper. Even worse like a sign from god (Jes) The DE advanced orders should arrive at my house on my birthday , Im not going to argue when fate stipulated that me and lilith are...


Currently I am working on a few things, after some head to head tuition with Kirby and talks /study with various minds  my mech list is seeing some tweaks. This is likely to be the last of such tweaks.Im also playing with a clown theme list at the moment on...
Monochrome WIP

Monochrome WIP

Well just to show I am not made of lies I have managed to polish off the bone today. I thought he was looking Very noir / monochrome so I thought I’d take and share a piccy of him with you, my blogees.Im going to keep a lid on him until it is finished now, maybe...