El Diablo from Mindofthedeamon is on his way down for a visit. I was actually sick of proxying two 3rds of my DE force, especislly when I had Commoragh in my cupboard since Nov/Crimbo. So in spite of my new job I got on with some assembly Thursday and Friday night...
Yup it seems the greyknights are coming in their greymobile wearing their grey armour whilst shooting their greyguns and swinging their grey sabres, whilst if the rumors are to be believed creep may appear to have been resumed, with a book that seems like it will be...
Hi all Well I say all, for some reason my move has caused a bit of a hit to my traffic …… Anyway, posting/painting has been non existent the last week really , landed a sweet new job but had to subsequently drop everything to find a Shardmobile at short...
Harlequins !! Ok Two Firsts Today , First proper Post on my WordPress trial run , Tasty truly is the most stubborn/patient Sob I have come across in recent years. Many problems were had, wringing of hands,wailing and gnashing of teeth, but after beating heads against...
Well the Asshattery at Warseer has reached new heights of Mothering. The hitler Clones are hard at work saving the world from intelligent quality content. Wankers, ahh thats better Its my blog And Ill write what I like (to a degree) For your entertainment I give you...