2 PHIG missile teams and a Psyker are complete!

 o/Sorcery-in-progress!This week I have an update on the slow progress of my Pointy Helmeted Imperial Guardsmen (PHIGs). I painted up a pysker, and finally finished two of the three missile teams for the heavy weapons squad (I can only do two at a time as I'm...

Star Wars Legion Mudtroopers

 o/My apologies for the crummy lighting & backdrop,it is usually just about dark when I get home (or raining outside). This week I've been trying to finish off the menagerie of half painted minis that have been loitering on my desk for the past few...

Never tell me the odds!

 o/No, this isn't another Star Wars Legion post. Rather for the second time now I've won an NOCF charity raffle! Ya know, I had been donating to these raffle for years to no avail. Only about $15-$20 at a time and win or not, its always for a good...

I finished my Star Wars Legion El Camino!

 o/This may be the first time for this blog, where I have a painted model sitting in the snow. Before I talk about my latest project, I was hoping that maybe some of you would be able to help out my personal friend Neverness. Had his supervisor not decided...

B1 Battle Droids (and stuff)

 o/Progress on my Star Wars Legion armies continue, this time with my third army entry: the Separatist Alliance. The yellow trimmed droid is the squad leader. I had to quickly snap these pics as there was a serious chance of a gust of wind blowing these off...