RTT 1800 Tomorrow

Going to a local RTT tomorrow set at 1800 points. An odd number of points however should be fun. I expect turnout to be either very light or 18+, not sure how holiday weekends go around here.Anyway, I am trying a variation of my DE list.The beastmasters are different...

How not to win an Ard Boyz Semi-Final event

Went over to Battleground games in Lexington KY for the Semi-Finals. I figured that since there would be may WOC armies that I would try something different this year. So I took Vampires. I had a GG horde of 40 with a fighty general. 2 corpse carts for ASF in the...

Fantasy SEMI-Finals Tomorrow !!!

Myself and two other local guys are cruising over to Lexington KY for the Ard boyz semi finals tomorrow.I am taking a list that I do not think others will have planned for. We shall see.I am taking a risk in scenario 1 by brining a rare that is potentially...

LOCAL RTT 40k 2000

This past Saturday there was a local RTT at 2000 points. I took my Dark Eldar while my son took his wolves. I was hoping for more folks but there were only 8 of us. It turned out to be a fun day and was very relaxed which is not typical of the local scene which is...

Semi-Final TO Question

I called the location that I will be playing at over in KY this afternoon. Spoke with the owner/TO and he sounded really cool, since this will be my first trip to that store having a cool TO is an important thing.I asked him about the first scenario and he will be...