Some changes for Da Groop

o/That the blurred out yoof in the background is suffering from as much angst as his GorkaMorka counterpart here on the left!Recently Neverness inquired about our (usually) annual Orks vs. Orks game. I had no idea what my army totaled up to  using the new codex,...

Da boyz iz back in town!

 o/My assembled Kill Team Ork Kommandos:Honestly, they really are beautiful sculpts!As I've sold off my KT rules and tokens, these will instead be folded into my Ork army's scant infantry forces (increasing it by almost a third)! The only speshulists built were...


o/Notta whole lot of progress on the hobby front this week aside from priming a bucket load of minis which is anything but exciting. I had intended on posting a Kill Team battle report, however whilst Da Long Ways Dezert Groop is capable of slogging for 20...

SCHULTZ! is joinin’ da Kommandos!

o/SCHULTZ! has commanded Da Eleet Grot Mountin' Duvishun ever since he lead the charge in which my grots earned that title. That game, way back when, was a Kill Point battle vs. the nids. After some outflanking genestealers obliterated my Killa Kans, da grots...

My 1st round of Shadow War!

o/As the title says, this past weekend was my 1st try at the new Necromunda 1.3 Shadow War! Having three players, Bob, Screech and myself, we tried out the Grab the cache scenario. What follows is my usual photo-dump/pseudo battle report.Da Long Ways Dezert...