Hobby Corner: Two out of the Eight

Hobby Corner: Two out of the Eight

It's been a while since I've really had any consistent updates on here, but holy cow have I been busy! I'm finally out of school for the summer and already I've been hitting the 40k with a metaphorical baseball to get stuff done and finish up a whole lot of...
Hobby Corner: Commander Farsight

Hobby Corner: Commander Farsight

Holy crap! I've been reading through the Farsight Enclave book and it's pretty fan-freaking-tastic! So great, that it even inspired me to use Farsight in my own armies and as many of you might know (if you've been around these parts of Tau space long enough) I'm not...
Hobby Corner: Cutting up some Old XV88s

Hobby Corner: Cutting up some Old XV88s

As I mentioned in a previous article (here) I've got a few of the old XV88s and of course I don't want them to go to waste, so I've been trying to think up some ways to use them without having to make them obsolete (terrain or objective markers). I didn't pay 40...
Hobby Corner: XV88 and Pathfinders Update

Hobby Corner: XV88 and Pathfinders Update

First off, I'd just like to say that Vallejo Game Colors are some of the BEST paints I've ever used. They really made painting really easy for me compared to my six year old, out of print, Citadel paints that I literally have to bath in water.Here's my custom (well,...
Hobby Corner: New Units

Hobby Corner: New Units

I recently acquired some more models and I've finally built as well as primed them.As you can tell, I did a bit of a modeling job and this fellow to give him more of a commanding and unique presence on the table. I really like the look of the new models, but the kit...