Author: TastyTaste

Indy GT Circuit: SoCal Slaughter in Space

One of the larger gaming groups in America is putting on 40k GT for this weekend. I had planned on going down this weekend since it only a short flight away, but it seems that certain members of that community have made it a...

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In Defense of 1500: Introduction

What point level do you play at? What point level feels just right? We play the game at the point levels we grew up with and as our collections grow, we often slip into playing larger and larger games. There is no problem with...

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40k Douche Bag: Episode 1

In the 40k universe one voice stands above the rest as the defender of non-competitive play that person is Andrew Sutton otherwise known as Stelek founder of the website Yes the Truth Hurts. …this is his story. Sunday...

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Indy GT Circuit: Conquest Ragnarok

Another week another GT, this one closer to home. This sunday I will be heading down to Conquest Ragnarök in sunny Santa Clara California to take pictures and get some results. The last Conquest GT in Las Vegas was canceled, but...

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