This was an utter chore to paint, should have painted the crew separate , the gunners look a bit arse subsequently , damn thing just hoovered hours, had hoped to get two things done this weekend, this ran through to todays painting time . Oh well, one step closer , 8...
Hi Folks, I have managed to press on and get half the wych squad done , I have nine in the actual list build, but as I had assembled ten and as I am batch painting I’ll do the extra one so I don’t have to come back. Coming To a Prada Near You I have done...
Wow, that was hard hard work, Lovely kits but a time consuming slavery-fest was required to get it done. The Banner and sail will get some special custom decals later , I just need to get some paper, I’ll likely do the whole armies markings prior to varnish. I...
Hey as promised, updates, will only be completed stuff from now on. With any luck you good chaps and chapette’s will be seeing some actual articles in the near future bye SinSynn of HoP, as he has loosly agreed to do a couple of guest articles to keep things...
Hello Folks Apologies for my continued Radar silence, I have been busy (sorta) No real updates in terms of painting as I have been just concentrating on getting everything 4 flat base colours, this takes a remarkable amount of time apparently (and I have had some...