Retro Review: Dire Avengers Aspect Warriors

Retro Review: Dire Avengers Aspect Warriors

Dire Avengers …. last but by no means least in the troops section, the Dires. Having erroneously given Storm guardians short shrift early on in the armies development, I went for Dires as the core of my 1500 to 1750 mech list. Subsequently they had alot of play...
Retro Review: Eldar Rangers & Pathfinders

Retro Review: Eldar Rangers & Pathfinders

Well thats another first for rant, I spent ages trawling the net to find some nice artwork for this article , to no avail, sad panda. I had hoped to never have to post Mini’s, preferring to use art but its that or nowt, so I guess I’ll Showcase this...
Retro review: Eldar Guardians

Retro review: Eldar Guardians

Hiya, Eldar up this time , though Im admittedly having trouble as I’m all about DE at the moment, it seems like an age since I played with or thought about the poor old Craftworlders, does not help that I’m essentially writing about mostly poor units.Most...
Retro Review: Guardian Jetbikes

Retro Review: Guardian Jetbikes

Its that time again, this week we will be discussing that mainstay of all Saim hann themed lists, the guardian jetbike.In theory these offer you another core choice and allows you to make swordwind armies.My Usual disclaimer here, I have been working on pure mech this...
Retro REview: Shining Spears Aspect

Retro REview: Shining Spears Aspect

 Could not even find a picture worth putting up at first , after much digging however……Seems they are really popular with artists as well as vaguely competitive gamers….notI have actually experimented with these guys in a bike heavy list, and...