Retro Review: Dire Avengers Aspect Warriors

Retro Review: Dire Avengers Aspect Warriors

Dire Avengers …. last but by no means least in the troops section, the Dires. Having erroneously given Storm guardians short shrift early on in the armies development, I went for Dires as the core of my 1500 to 1750 mech list. Subsequently they had alot of play...
Ulthwe Wave Serpent Completed !!

Ulthwe Wave Serpent Completed !!

All done and dusted. One down, four to go … This took three days instead of one like I had hoped…. ah well, next one should be a bit quicker as I have tweaked the black technique to speed things up. The first pictures look far grayer than it is in RL,...
Space wolves Showcase up !!

Space wolves Showcase up !!

My much talked about Space Wolves Showcase is up on Mindofthedeamon, featuring the work of   El’Diablo and myself.  linkyHoping to also update later tonight with finished Wave Serpent (see below) as I will get very little done this weekend.
WIP Ulthwe Mech Serpent 1 of 5

WIP Ulthwe Mech Serpent 1 of 5

Well, I found some motivation somewhere and started this yesterday. When I decided to wrap it up last night  I made a list of things to do and estimated times to completion.In theory I should have been done by 7 maybe 8 o clock this evening but was still going at...
Rave Review: Dark Eldar Bloodbrides & Wyches

Rave Review: Dark Eldar Bloodbrides & Wyches

Colour by MajesticChickenHello again folks, bit late with the DE review this week as I have been on a bit of a cooldown as I did a bunch of articles in a short space of time this past seven days, including compiling the photo’s for my upcoming Spacewolves...
Retro Review: Eldar Rangers & Pathfinders

Retro Review: Eldar Rangers & Pathfinders

Well thats another first for rant, I spent ages trawling the net to find some nice artwork for this article , to no avail, sad panda. I had hoped to never have to post Mini’s, preferring to use art but its that or nowt, so I guess I’ll Showcase this...
Dark Eldar Venom Conversion Winner BDub Speaks

Dark Eldar Venom Conversion Winner BDub Speaks

Colour by MajesticChickenHey everyone this is a first for Rant. Im branching out into hobby interviews and Guest articles that I feel will be helpful/of interest to any DE and Eldar players out there.I actually contacted BDub not long after he put his submission up...

Hello world!

Welcome to The Blood of Kittens Network. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Rave Review: Grotesques

Rave Review: Grotesques

You would be angry too. If someone replaced your pee pee with a steriod injector for lulzColour By Majestic ChickenHmm Grotesques , I can’t really put my finger on it , but I love the ‘feel’ of this unit , they are essentially ogryns...
Dark Eldar Test Scheme 3 A winner !?

Dark Eldar Test Scheme 3 A winner !?

At Last !! “The Invidious Requiem” kabal is given birth !Muh hahaha ha haaagh liive ! LIIIVE my pretties, release the flying monkeys, Hellions !!I actually like this test scheme, I think I’m good to go.This turned into a heck of alot of...