Velcome Back for another Dose of Emo Geek bitterness Today I’m a little late, I was going to write the review earlier but caught up re reading other parts of the book which lead to another bout of my trying to self harm with guardian models…… If...
Bonjour Readers , firstly a quick apology , posting a little late this week I finally replaced my three year old disintegrating mekboy phone, with a new Samsung galaxy OMG tech porn S So yeah I was playing with media file converters and android games (quake III) when...
Ok , the DE have landed and any semblance of dignity has been flung into the nearest woodchipper. Even worse like a sign from god (Jes) The DE advanced orders should arrive at my house on my birthday , Im not going to argue when fate stipulated that me and lilith are...
And for your viewing pleasure and critique.Long story short , I had a load of warlocks from trades and long term the 1750 tourney army is getting fleshed out with a proper seer council @ 2.5k so I had 3 of the same model and another pair of duplicates.I figured using...
Hello and welcome to this weeks rant. I would have posted this mid week but My new ‘task for avoiding painting’ took over. So no painting and a late Retro, but some rather spanky warlock conversions have been completed……. Normally I would climb...
Well I managed to Acquire some mangled second hand Stormies which I have been rebuilding and converting. I have to do a major emergency scrounge for the old Eldar CCwep sprues and arms as GW seems to think that selling a unit that requires ten men minimum in the book...
Greetings and welcome to another retro rant review. As promised on yesterdays primer, this week I’m going to cover the Falcon. Ok First Impressions of this tank would make me think it should function as a gunboat /MBT, although it can fill the former adequately...
Currently I am working on a few things, after some head to head tuition with Kirby and talks /study with various minds my mech list is seeing some tweaks. This is likely to be the last of such tweaks.Im also playing with a clown theme list at the moment on...
Ok As promised I’m going to pick up here as I have some time and no fishies are biting on Vassal for 400pt com pat training. The Eldar codex tries to sell you the prism as some kind of ultra advanced awesome tank hunter par excellence and in 4th maybe it was...
So, following on from my last post, no sooner had I settled my self back into a game I had started with a chap the other day, vassal died ….. not even the main site has been up to contact anyone so I’m now suffering terrible cold turkey. Having the...