Hello quick one today as I had to pull a late one to make target, last warrior squad down until I expand the army to 3k+ so thats a sigh of relief. The bad news is that the Last Ravager makes this weekend a write off :o( lol I doubt I’ll ever paint the third,...
Yeah, thassright, I procrastinated my arse off this weekend, saturday saw minimal progress on these two, probably only had the metals and red uplighting knocked on the head before I snuck around to Frontline Gamers hobby church with sacrificial offerings of cake,...
Thats right, 5 Times as many brides and a darkmatter cannon, oh no no no mr Tarantino, mine is better. So yes I have managed to squeeze one more thing out , list left to do is one Ravager, two Venoms, 5 warriors, 4 Truborn and two Characters, 23 days and counting...
This is possibly one of the most thoughtful and truthful articles I have ever read on this subject, perhaps because I agree with everything written here on an emotional level, I have been in this hobby for over half my life Idon’t want to see GW slide further...
Good Day So made a start on this at a stupid time last night and finished the cockpit , (WIP shots provided) Guessing this took around 12 hours all told , so quicker than the damn Ravager. The photo’s are truly arse (it is actually black), my light box...
Ok If I thought Ravagers were bad these babys have been the very definition of time consuming. A whole days painting to finish three, I mean a solid day+Evening, I just kept finding stuff to do :o( It was prob around 22 hours for the whole squad , Damn…....
This was an utter chore to paint, should have painted the crew separate , the gunners look a bit arse subsequently , damn thing just hoovered hours, had hoped to get two things done this weekend, this ran through to todays painting time . Oh well, one step closer , 8...
SOULS !! I busted my Balls this week to bring the army up to seven fully completed KP’s 11 to go with a whole free weekend In front of me. Currently aiming to clear three per week…. Man am I going to suffer. Up next, a Ravager I think. In other news I have...
Hey folks, SinSynn here. So in case you’re wondering what I’m doing here, instead of my usual haunt over at House of Paincakes….well I’m gonna tell you…. (that was kinda your cue to bookmark HoP, dear reader….and be sure to read my...
So five KP’s done with and 13 to go, not so bad really. The last five took what seemed like hours and hours to do over the first half, It just dragged on and on , probably about 11 hours or thereabouts for all five. I guess that it fast-ish all things considered...