Dear Forgeworld…

Dear Forgeworld…

Edit: here’s a better one now, first was a bit poop. Ok I’ll admit it , the rubbishy pre published phantom rules really effected me , I have been dealing with ineffectual over priced Eldar  ‘technological superiority’ for too long and I simply...
Forgeworld Open/Queue day

Forgeworld Open/Queue day

It was great utterly packed and full of Eldar (and Dark Eldar ) goodies this year. I’ll try my best to write up here but it’ll likely lack any cohesion and be a sort of stream of consciousness thing … The phantom is even nicer in the flesh than the...
Wanna do bad things with you.

Wanna do bad things with you.

  Tru-borns So These were relatively painless , I think I almost enjoyed painting them. Tried hard to be less anal than usual with the aim of getting an actual whole army out… I think I failed, but I really like these bad boys. I have a squad of seven...
PORNpornPOrNpORNpoRn pOrn poRnpoRnporn PORN !!

PORNpornPOrNpORNpoRn pOrn poRnpoRnporn PORN !!

 Eldar Phantom Titan on sale at the Forge World Open Day Tall, slender and elegant, the Phantom is the largest known pattern of Eldar Titan. It is swift and agile in comparison to the lumbering behemoths of the Legio Titanicus, and is armed with some of the...
Down Time with El’Diablo

Down Time with El’Diablo

Just some extra footage we shot the night after our batrep , just shooting the breeze and airing some thoughts on the game  (see previous post), hopefully amusing /valuable or both, enjoy ! httpv://
1750 Battle Report DE Vs Death Guard

1750 Battle Report DE Vs Death Guard

  In the sweaty darkness of the Empyrean games-club there is only the dumb ….. As promised Big Steve came up for a visit , turns out he bought up his Death guard to have a go on my evil space fairies. lets just say it was ‘interesting’ ,...

Hobby Frenzy and two bloggers clash.

El Diablo from Mindofthedeamon is on his way down for a visit. I was actually sick of proxying two 3rds of my DE force, especislly when I had Commoragh in my cupboard since Nov/Crimbo. So in spite of my new job I got on with some assembly  Thursday and Friday night...
On Ward and the New GK Codex

On Ward and the New GK Codex

Yup it seems the greyknights are coming in their greymobile wearing their grey armour whilst shooting their greyguns and swinging their grey sabres, whilst if the rumors are to be believed creep may appear to have been resumed, with a book that seems like it will be...
Excuses Excuses

Excuses Excuses

Hi all Well I say all, for some reason my move has caused a bit of a hit to my traffic …… Anyway, posting/painting has been non existent the last week really , landed a sweet new job but had to subsequently drop everything to find a Shardmobile at short...
RetroRant Review: “They All Float Down Here”

RetroRant Review: “They All Float Down Here”

Harlequins !! Ok Two Firsts Today , First proper Post on my WordPress trial run , Tasty truly is the most stubborn/patient Sob I have come across in recent years. Many  problems were had, wringing of hands,wailing and gnashing of teeth, but after beating heads against...