Well the Asshattery at Warseer has reached new heights of Mothering. The hitler Clones are hard at work saving the world from intelligent quality content. Wankers, ahh thats better Its my blog And Ill write what I like (to a degree) For your entertainment I give you...
Okay so there it iss , now just take a little bite…… it is really quite Exquissssite…….. Yeah, ok enough of that, so Anyone that follows vaguely regularly knows I’m playing around with a Baron/Duke army at the moment. I got bored tonight...
Well for me the best character in the book is currently the Baron , him with a big blob of hellions is so much fun to play with and can be brutally effective. On monday they went all ‘flying monkey’ on a runepriests ass *belly laugh* “I got your...
NEW FORGEWORLD STUFF !!!!!!! Forgeworld have released some sexeh new eldar toys on the run up to IA 11 , seriously the models are sweet, go see.However I am not a happy bunny , Given their recent penchant for giving things super rules (Caestus/Achilles) I was...
Colour by MajesticChickenAhh yes, Trueborn warriors. They are in almost every list I’m seeing at the moment and I’m finding it hard not to take 2 units every single game…Why are they so attractive ?Well for me it allows me to up the quantity of...
Well Funt me ! That was fast for GW, a solid round of baby kissing from the intergalactic plastic crack peddlars today, good show chaps !lets have a quick look at the more important stuff maybe see if there is anything to be exploited. There is a fair bit of...
New year, slow start…..Time to write about possibly the most important tool in the true mecdar list. Defining why it is important is fairly simple , It gives Eldar some real resilience and a definite edge vs most armies in terms of raw mobility.Apparently there...
Colour by MajesticChicken First real post of 2011 ! Ok These guys have been contentious even from before the book came out. People seem fairly divided by these consisting of the “My god what suck is this ? ” and the “They are ok and can be made to...
Hello all and welcome to 2011. Hope you all enjoyed crimbo and have had a great start to the year. I have been off of the Webz due to christmas, family and New Vegas etc, mostly New Vegas….. I’m baaack and scheming schemes and plotting plots. Coming up...
Colour by MajesticChicken Well Guessing this here will likely be my final post before Crimble, so wishing you all a good one ;o) So, Wracks, seems they are everyones favorite atm. Considering it has more or less been playing a Kabal list for 13 years and the first...